Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Side effects

Went to Steven Soderbergh's latest film, his last, called Side Effects. It's about anti-depressants and it is fairly wild. People get in trouble for different reasons. I didn't know what was going on, but I liked it. Jude Law was mortally flabbergasted, Rooney Mara's hair was Eleanor Friedberger-esque. I wrote in my journal afterwards in the parking lot that that was one creepy ass flick! I never really had side effects. I went on anti-depressants and those made me constipated I remember. I would always complain to the guys at Strategy Publishing about my constipation. I was drinking really strong coffee and my stomach was not coping. This was in 1998-1999 near Multnomah Village. No feeling in my doodle, but that was fine by me. The reason I was on anti-depressants was because the woman I loved was in Tasmania. I stopped taking them after I moved. I wore a funny, but comfortable outfit on the plane.


numbo said...

So how did the dudes at Strategy Publishing cope with the shitty banter, dumb noodle? Beats talking about 'hump day' and looking at photos of colleagues' children, I guess.

boy moritz said...

Is the new font I have chosen well legible on your PC?

Anonymous said...

Font is good!

boy moritz said...

Thanks mom!