Monday, March 28, 2011

My new coat!

Remember when I said that I had lost the pad to my earphones when I was at the pub back in early March? Well the other day when I was looking for my replacement set, I found the pad that I had thought I had left at the pub in the couch cushion. Still I haven't found what I did with that wily old replacement set. Now they're probably at the pub!

Today I bought an olive green herringbone parka/overcoat that I have had my eye on since Christmas vacation. I've been waiting patiently for it to go on sale and today it was 25% off, which was good enough for me! I paid the kind of price that I wanted to but forget to take into consideration the thirteen dollars of tax I had to pay on top of it. Oh well!

The other day my Mom sent me a bag of nuts and some spare headphones.

Not only that but shortbread cookies and the Fall Peel sessions box set. Who, Nelly! Have ye heard rebellious jukebox? Me neither until the other day and now I am quite familiar with it because I cannot stop playing it.

I took my coat for a walk tonight and part way into it, I smelt something horrid which could only mean one thing: there's a skunk about.

The thing about Flagstaff neighborhoods: they're awfully dark. The reason for this has to do with the stars. An ordination was passed some time ago that limits any light source that could be a hindrance to stargazers. What this means for me on my walk in my new coat is that the chances of me seeing the skunk sneak up and attack and ruin my new coat is not very likely. Don't the stars look pretty though!

Here's a picture of my new coat that survived a skunk attack!


Anonymous said...

Love it! lulu

mia said...

I would like to see the weave and cut better with a larger coat picture please - still, it looks nice tiny x

boy moritz said...

It is so you, Mia. I want to flaunt it in Jacana.

David Nichols said...

Click on image to see it weirdly float in space at same size.

AB said...

Olive fiesta.