Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Had a New York Boyfriend

Not me, but Julie Delphy, or at least she should have after her appalling display last night in Two Days in Paris. Adam Goldberg should have dumped her derriere in the Siene (I actually thought he might do this, why he didn’t we’ll never know, but I guess she is French, bohemian and the film's scriptwriter)

There was a lot of resistance going into this movie in the sense that I flatly had no desire to see it. But my girlfriend, plying me with local beer and shoestring French fries at Collins Quarter, persevered convincingly. Must say I’m a fan of Adam Goldberg, Delphy I find interesting, but still I’ve seen the lovely Linklater movies, so why would I bother with this?

I psyched myself up by using this movie as Julie and Adam’s chance to light up the screen and win me over as people, if they didn’t then they would not only come to be known as overrated actors but failures as human beings. So either way I would come away enlightened. Glad to report they succeeded. Still I’m not exactly sure what it is I like about Goldberg, okay I have a slight crush on him. But all those tattoos! They really run foul of his character.

Julie, I know would make a terrible Parisian girlfriend, she should have come from St Louie. However, she’s a seeker of truth in art and I admire that. The first part of the movie she wears Woody Allen’s glasses so there’s that too.

1 comment:

spades of said...

now i'm not sure whether or not to see it.
i'll give it a good thinking about, regardless of whether i do or don't.