Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Australian Possum

A possum dropped by our house the other night, used our premises as a latrine, then beat it, presumably to a groovier happening. It was our first marsupial encounter at home and it reminded me how a visit with Greg Valentine might transpire in this day and age.

Initially tipped off by a small brown pellet which lay on the table where we normally put our drinks. Upon closer examination I found the shape and colour not dissimilar to possum shit. After that we discovered an isolated wet patch on the paved part of the courtyard. This was rather chilling data and De Campo and I both voiced our concern.

Just then we heard a loud crack and tumbling from a high branch in our plum tree the rude article made herself known. Flashing a devilish scowl, she climbed back up, reached a height of roughly three metres and proceeded to relieve herself in a torrential fashion, forcing me to jump back in horror, while De Campo ran inside visibly shaken. The big, brushtail equipped with the biggest ass I’ve ever seen, used the tall branch as a bridge to edge onto the roof. It disappeared over the roofline and even though I didn't see the creature again, I did hear a loud crash but was far too fearful to investigate.

In other news I have been an Australian citizen since last Thursday. More on this later. The blog is a fair bit behind at the moment. The possum encounter happened last Sunday fer goodness sakes.

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